Monday, October 19, 2009


So once the decision was made to refinish our concrete sub floor we took to home depot like any good suburban yuppie would do.

The looks we got were of sheer ridicule. You want to do WHAT? Where? and WHY? (note these were very similar responses we received from our family)

The kits were all for finishing one's garage and no one could answer questions about toxicity, off-gassing, eco-friendly alternatives, or heck ~ even how one would go about doing such a project.

Sooo it was off to the internet i go. Below are some links I found useful. Please note...there ain't a whole lot out there that i was able to find and that's one of the reasons I started this blog.

-Concrete Courageous, HGTV
-Repairing Cracks, HGTV

Then I found what would finally set this project in motion.
-Carter Oosterhouse uses sustainable cedar and eco-friendly concrete stain in a backyard makeover.

A soy based, US made, non toxic alternative. EUREKA!

I'll admit we're pretty crunchy in our everyday lives (cloth diapers, farm fresh foods and all that jazz) but aside from making our cleaners we haven't dove into the whole home aspect much yet. a) its expensive and b)it kinda seems silly to toss out perfectly good 'stuff' for new ~ even if it is 'friendly'. So its slow going as we replace old with (ha often older) but sometimes - something better for our bodies. Because i'll admit. While this whole eco friendly thing is great, fashionable and good for the planet and all. Its all about what we ingest, digest, inhale, and exhale from our bodies. This one to be specific :)

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